BRACHIAL NEURITIS (NERVE PAIN) Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today we continued the Osteopathic treatment session upon treating pain and numbness in the arm and hand (Brachial Neuritis). As you can see from the diagram, the nerves which leave the spine go to supply the arm. In the patient, there was pain and stiffness in the arm, which irritated portions of the brachial nerve. Treatment comprised of Osteopathic manipulation of the cervical spine, Osteopathic mobilisation of the cervical spine, traction and Osteopathic neuromuscular massage. Acupuncture was used to help reduce pain and inflammation in the neck. The patient felt immediate relief and more flexibility in the neck and shoulders.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Arm Pain Pins and needles Paphos Osteopathy Cyprus Limasol

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Irerahon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Myasthenia Gravis

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture



Age: 62
Occupation: Retired

P/C: Myasthenia Gravis, Dx – As Myasthenia Occular, Diagnosed last year. Constant pain in neck and back. P+N° in limbs. Some pins and needles on the left side of past. Pain above both eyes. Dizzyness. Diarrhoea.
Sinus, mucus forming – draining constantly. 40 yrs Sinus problems. Worse in the last couple of years.
Vision, Droopy eye on the left. Opthalmologist – n/a.

Onset: History of back problems. Neurologist claims this was the start of it. Episodic spasms 9-10 yrs ago.

Fed up, very emotional.
History: All of life back problems
G/H: Stress. Conflict. Living under a mask for 8 years.
Med: Kalamayan, 2x60mg for Myasthenia Gravis. Dose doubled earlier this year, and pain improved, otherwise side effects – Nausea, diarrhoea, mucus and sickness.
Vitamin B. Blood pressure tablets around 14 yrs. Initially had an asthma attack prior.
Clinical Tests: Blood test, MRI, – n/a
O: n/a
CVS: palpitations°
GIT: digestion not good from s/e of medication.


Clinical Findings: Upper cervical complex dysfunction associated with painful rigidities within the cervico-thoracic region. Hypersensitive to touch.

Dx: Psychosomatoform rigidities of the cervical and myofascial region of the neck.


Gentle Osteopathy over the shoulder region and sub occipital muscles. . Osteopathic mobilisation to the thoracic region and Osteopathic manipulation to the atlas. Osteopathic mobilisation of the lumbar spine Acupuncture, using local points to encourage circulation, reduce stress and relieve pressure within the sub occipital region.

Osteopathy treatment helped to improve mobility and improve vision via the upper cervical complex.

Osteopathic treatment helped to reduce emotional stress and psychosomatoform rigidities after treatment. The patient felt very relaxed and relieved that their pain has been reduced.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Shoulder pain and Biceps tendinitis

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture

Repeated use of the biceps or problems in the shoulder can irritate the proximal biceps tendon. Pain in the shoulder and biceps is the main symptom.

Age: 53
Occupation: Business man. Engineer.

P/C: Pain on right shoulder. Biceps tendon. Radiation°. Headaches°, Vision°, Dizzyness°. Pain on waking. Stiff everywhere. Stretching relieves.
Onset: October 2012. Agg- winter/cold.
Medication: Nurofen to help sleep.
History: Low back problem. Disc disturbance. Injection into the right buttock to reduce sciatica. 6 months ago, pulled right shoulder on a pull up. Clicking of the shoulder at night to realign.
G/H: n/a
Med: High blood pressure, 3 years diagnosed. 1 tablet per day.
Clinical Tests: MRI – Epidural 2000 for sciatica on right buttock , C/T, X-Ray.
I: n/a
A: n/a
O: Appendectomy 30-40yrs ago.
CVS: n/a
GIT: n/a
Gynaecology: n/a
Clinical Findings: Biceps tendinitis, swelling around the sub acromial region and pectoralis muscle spasm.

Dx: Biceps tendinitis.


Osteopathy on the shoulder, biceps tendon. Osteopathic mobilisation and Osteopathic massage to the cervical region and peri-scapular muscles Osteopathic mobilisation of the cervical spine Acupuncture, using local points to encourage circulation and relieve pressure within the shoulder joint.

Osteopathy treatment helped to improve mobility and reduce pain after treatment.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Acupuncture Clinic Paphos Limassol Cyprus | Headaches | Tennis Elbow

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today a patient attended the clinic complaining of Tennis Elbow associated with specific headaches, of which were centred around the right orbital region.


Age: 41
Occupation: Barrister
P/C: Tennis elbow. 6 months. Aggravated by – shaking hands. Movement. Picking light object up. Pain around the lateral epicondyle. Some stiffness in neck. Headaches, right orbital. Nerve like pain.
Onset: Gradual development over 2yrs ago. No particular triggers.
History: Neck stiffness. 2 yrs ago.
G/H: Fine. Energy levels. General mood, low. Impatient. Angry, snappy.
Med: n/a
Clinical Tests: n/a
Differential Diagnosis; Symptom of shingles? However no history of trophic skin changes.
I: n/a
A: Left knee. Anterior cruciate ligament. Left Achilles is sore.
O: n/a
CVS: palpitations°, SOB°
GIT: n/a

On examination there were cervical spinal restrictions over the atlantal-axial joints. Hypertrophic muscular adhesions of the sub occipital muscles. There were vertebral rigidities over the cervico-thoracic junction and T4.

Treatment consisted of Osteopathic manipulation of the Atlas, C/T junction and T4. Neuromuscular release of the muscles and traction to release intra-dis al compression throughout the whole spine.

Exercise were given to improve mobility.

The patient had instant relief of pressure around the right orbital region following treatment.


Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Ierarchon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956