Osteopathy Paphos Limassol Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today we focussed upon the psychosomatisation of muscular rigidity within the body as being a barrier or shield that prevents the patient from getting better. Psychosomatisation is a general term which describes the reflex pathway by which the activity of thoughts, mind and emotions overshadow the bodily and muscular functions. For example, whenever we are under any stress, the body responds in many ways. In the majority of people, this stress is unconscious to them. This is very common, due to busy and hectic lifestyles i.e. not enough sleep, bad diet, worry etc. In this respect, Osteopathic treatment enables the body to recognise the sensorial aspect of the body which enables the patient to relax and encourage the right changes to take place in the body. Stress can create muscular blockages which restricts spinal mobility, and this in turn increases the susceptibility to injury e.g. disc compression and neuropathia. What is most interesting, is that the majority of patients who present to clinic with pain are completely unconscious that they are carrying stress in their body.

Osteopathy and Acupuncture treatment enables the patient to become more sensorially aware of their body, which then allows the tissues i.e. muscles, bones and ligaments to find their natural position, encourage the healing process and for the condition to be treated effectively.

Osteopathy and Acupuncture are applied to work through the nervous system, to help regulate the body, calm the mind and reduce stress. Acupuncture using the five element principle is aimed at promoting balance within the emotions and mind.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Ierarchon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

FERTILITY TREATMENT & HORMONE BALANCING Osteopathy Paphos Limassol Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today we began treatment to regulate the menstrual cycle. Full osteopathic assessment upon the spine to regulate the sympathetic nervous system and Acupuncture to regulate the uterus and blood.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Irerahon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

IBS (IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME) Osteopathy Paphos Limassol Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today a patient presented to the clinic with a history of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Osteopathic treatment was applied to the cervical spine and thoracic spine. These areas of the spine become ‘facilitated’ by abnormal signalling between the viscera (organs) and the spine. Through osteopathic and acupuncture treatment, the nervous system is mediated and normal functioning of the organs is restored. The autonomic nervous system to the intestines and organs can be regulated using osteopathy and acupuncture. Acupuncture was applied to balance the nerves, improve blood flow and circulation within the abdomen and relax the smooth muscle of the intestines.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Ierarhon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

DISC COMPRESSION L5/S1 Osteopathy Paphos Limassol Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today a patient presented to the clinic with an acute onset of inflammation of the lumbar spine. The symptoms caused pain in the hip and leg. The X-Ray indicated a marked compression of the disc between L5/S1 and inflammation. On physical examination, this inflammation was an aggravation of a previous chronic long standing history of arthritis of the spine. The inflammation was centred around the Sacro-iliac area and L5/S1. Osteopathic treatment was aimed at reducing the inflammation, mobilisation of the spine and Acupuncture to reduce inflammation. The patient felt improvement after a few hours. The patient was given osteopathic exercises for homework.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos Limassol Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today a patient attended the clinic with shoulder pain and frozen shoulder type symptoms following exercise. On examination there was inflammation around the rotator cuff, biceps tendinitis. Treatment consists of Osteopathic manipulation of the cervical and osteopathic massage. Acupuncture was used to decrease inflammation and relax muscles. The patient felt immediate improvement.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos Limassol Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today we continued post rehabilitation Osteopathic therapy upon an elbow fracture that has been pinned. As you can see from the X-ray below, even though the pins have fixed the structural integrity of the bones, the patient was suffering from restriction in movement, loss of full range of motion and pain. Such restrictions and pain are normal following surgery. However, Osteopathic mobilisation and Osteopathic massage can help to reduce inflammation (swelling) around the joint, loosen the muscles around the joint and improve mobility. In the treatment, we achieved 30% increase in movement of the elbow. Pain was also reduced by over 50%. Osteopathic manipulation of the cervical spine was also beneficial to the elbow movement as it softened the muscles around the shoulders and improved overall mobility and most importantly ‘confidence’ in movement of the elbow. Acupuncture was also applied to help reduce swelling, pain and achieve relaxation within the patient.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Today we worked upon an acute strain of the lumbo-sacral spine (L5/S1), which had oedema that was irritating the dorsal root ganglion of the L5 nerve, referring pain into the leg. Osteopathic treatment was applied to the thoraco-lumbar junction and Osteopathic drainage of the swelling around the pelvis was reduced. Acupuncture and traction was applied to the lumbar spine to reduce pressure upon the intervertebral disc.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

In the treatment of low back pain and sciatica. Today the Osteopathic session focussed upon sensory awareness of posture, contact with seating position using our attention on body sensation, breath and mind to release unnecessary tension in the body.

We explored the relationship between breath and body. Paying particular attention to the non-verbal level of body movement i.e. the process of awareness and the process of feeling the body. These techniques encourage self management and improve Osteopathic therapy. We experimented with posture correction and explored the underlying essence of movement using Osteopathic manoeuvres. Osteopathy was applied to facilitate movement of the spine, restoring bodily awareness through postural variations.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy | Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Today we worked  upon a sports injury of the gleno-humeral joint (Shoulder), which had inflammation around the supraspinatous and biccipital groove of biceps.

General Osteopathic manipulation of the cervical spine and Osteopathic mobilisation of the shoulder to release muscular tension of the rotator cuff muscles. Acupuncture was also used to relieve pain from tendinitis.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Today we explored the five elements of Acupuncture and their reference to the body and the mind. A patient suffering with stress that was associated with obsessive/addictive tendencies was given specific relaxation techniques alongside with the Osteopathic treatment, which help to release overall pressure in the body. Exercises were given to  mobilise the ‘chi’ (energy) through the channels, to release emotional blockages. Acupuncture was given to calm the mind and clear the psychosomatic muscular blockages.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Today we worked on an Osteoarthritic spine which was radiating pain and numbness into the right L4/5 dermatome. Osteopathic manipulation to relieve pressure from the sciatic nerve, flexion lumbar mobilisation. Traction to the lumbar spine. Acupuncture was used to reinforce mobility of the muscles and soothe pain in the leg.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Knee Pain | Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Today we worked upon a patient who presented to the clinic with knee pain, swelling and crepitus (clicking) on movement. Joint movement was also painful. On palpation there was extra-articular swelling of the knee bursa. Osteopathic massage and joint mobilisation was carried out upon the iliotibial tract to the lateral aspect of the knee and encourage lymphatic drainage of the knee to decrease swelling. Osteopathic manipulation of the fibula head and Osteopathic mobilisation of the knee. Acupuncture was used to decrease swelling and pain.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos | Osteopathy Paphos | Osteopathy Limassol | Acupuncture Paphos

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Today Osteopathic therapy was applied to low back pain and sciatica. Osteopathic manipulation of the lumbar spine, traction and Acupuncture were applied around the thoraco-lumbar region. Patient improved immediately after treatment. Patient was advised to continue with Osteopathic exercises which were given to remove pressure off the spine (intervertebral disc) and nerve in the vertical plane.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Irerahon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos | Osteopathy Paphos | Osteopathy Limassol | Acupuncture Paphos

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Today treatment for shoulder pain. Osteopathic manipulation of the cervical spine, released neck pain with Osteopathic mobilisation. Work upon the first rib and Scalene muscles.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopath Paphos | Osteopathy Paphos | Osteopathy Limassol | Acupuncture Paphos

Osteopathy | Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture

Today we performed Osteopathic manipulation and Osteopathic mobilisation to the lumbar spine to treat referred pain into the groin (Ilioinguinal Nerve).

Acupuncture was performed to help relieve pain and soothe the nervous system.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopath Paphos | Osteopathy Paphos | Osteopathy Limassol | Acupuncture Paphos

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture

Patient presented to clinic with history of migraine. Osteopathic palpation found sub occipital muscular rigidities, atlantal-axial joint dysfunction. Osteopathy used to massage the muscles of the neck and improve mobility. Osteopathic manipulation to the neck and thoracic spine. Acupuncture was used to relax the muscles and calm the mind.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopath Paphos | Osteopathy Paphos | Osteopathy Limassol | Acupuncture Paphos

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture

Osteopathy on Osteoarthritic knees, ligament strain and Baker’s Cyst bilaterally. Osteopathic mobilisation and Osteopathic massage on the Knees. Osteopathic mobilisation of the lumbar spine. Acupuncture, using local points to encourage circulation and relieve pressure in the knees.
osteopath paphos limassol cyprus

Knee Pain Bursitis


Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Irerahon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy | Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture

Osteopathy Acupuncture Clinic Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus

Sciatica was treated using Osteopathic manipulation. Swelling of the iliolumbar ligament was reduced by Osteopathy massage. Manipulation of the cervical spine for neck pain and stiffness.

Osteopathy Paphos Limassol Cyprus

Low back Pain Paphos

Osteopathy for Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis of the spine. General osteopathic manipulation and massage performed to the whole of the spine to encourage movement. Acupuncture was used to facilitate blood flow and circulation and regulate pain via the nervous system.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture

Osteopathy Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy relies on the principles of structure and function. 87 year old patient presented to the clinic limping, unstable and with pain in the thigh. On examination, there were amplified resistances (psychosomatisation) due to the shock of the fall. Osteopathic mobilisation and Osteopathic massage to relieve muscle spasm, restore mobility. Osteopathic manipulation of the knee to drain oedema. Acupuncture to restore neurological tone and proprioceptive reflexes. Patient had immediate relief, and could walk effortlessly. Will re-assess in a few days.

Osteopathic treatment for upper sciatica type symptoms, involving the Femoral nerve (L2/3/4), which radiates pain and numbness into the leg. A successful outcome, without Osteopathic manipulation was seen. Acupuncture was also used to calm the mind and body.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
42c Trion Irerahon
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Osteopathy | Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus | Acupuncture

Osteopathy Acupuncture Clinic | Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus |

Osteopathic clinic paphos limassol cyprus

The Phrenic Nerve and it's anatomical connection to the diaphragm

Today we focussed upon diaphragmatic breathing and it’s relation to the cervical spine Osteopathically. Osteopathy was applied to the cervical spine and 1st rib. Enabling the Phrenic nerve. Visceral Osteopathic treatment to the liver and gall-bladder, following it’s viscero-somatic reflex to the right shoulder blade.

Osteopathy and Stroke Paphos Cyprus

The movement disorders of the Basal Ganglia

Osteopathic realignment of the atlas for assisting the Basal Ganglia in Parkinsonian type syndrome. Acupuncture to the extremities to influence the basal ganglia. Patient has shown considerable improvement in initiating movement, balance and confidence.

Osteopath Paphos | Limassol | Cyprus Acupuncture Clinic

Osteopathy & Acupuncture in Cyprus | Paphos | Limassol | Registered Osteopath  

Charles Papapetrou BSc.(Hons). Ost.Med., D.O., Lic.Ac.
Member of The General Osteopathic Council (No.3118)
Member of The British Acupuncture Council (No.956141)

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Office 103
56 Eleftheriou Venizelou
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956

Advanced Osteopathic Acupuncture Centre
Cyprus (EU)
Tel. (00357) 99300956